Malaysian Code for Institutional Investors

Malaysian Code for Institutional Investors (1st Version, 2014)

Malaysian Code for Institutional Investors (1st Version, 2014)

The Malaysian Code for Institutional Investors (MCII) was launched jointly by the Securities Commission Malaysia and Minority Shareholders Watch Group (MSWG) on 27 June 2014.

This initiative was one of the recommendations of the Corporate Governance (CG) Blueprint 2011 for the formulation of an industry-driven code that is expected to strengthen the accountability of institutional investors to their own members and investors.  In addition, institutional investors being major players in the global economy have significant influence over their investee companies due to the substantial stake they hold.  This clout can provide them the ability to encourage good governance and appropriate behavior by their investee companies to ensure delivery of sustainable long-term value for their beneficiaries or clients.

The formulation of the MCII was led by MSWG.  This was done through the Steering and the Working Groups.  The members of the Steering Committee comprised CEOs and key representatives from the institutional investors fraternity in Malaysia namely Employees Provident Fund, Kumpulan Wang Persaraan (Diperbadankan), Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera, Lembaga Tabung Haji, Permodalan Nasional Berhad, Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial, Malaysian Association of Asset Managers, Malaysian Takaful Association, Private Pension Administrator Malaysia and MSWG.

To provide input and expert opinion, the Expert and Observer Groups were formed. Members of the Expert Group were PricewaterhouseCoopers Malaysia (PwC), Financial Reporting Council United Kingdom (FRC), International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) and Governance for Owners UK while the Observer Group comprised of Securities Commission Malaysia (SC), Bursa Malaysia Berhad and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Prior to the launch of the MCII, a Joint Consultation Paper with Securities Commission on the Malaysian Code for Institutional Investors was issued in early 2014 to seek public feedback on the MCII.  Various focus groups were also engaged such as the asset management, unit trusts, and insurance companies to obtain feedback on the MCII.

The MCII was a significant milestone not just for MSWG but for the country as well, being the first of such code in the ASEAN region.

The MCII which is voluntary, sets out six broad principles of effective stewardship by institutional investors, followed by guidance to help institutional investors understand and implement the principles.

In addition to economic considerations, the MCII advocates institutional investors to ensure that they invest in a responsible manner by having regard to corporate governance and sustainability of the company.

Institutional investors are encouraged to be signatories of the MCII.

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